Laser Cut Key Made
Our Highly dependable Laser Cut Key Cutting Service
Laser cut keys are security features in vehicles. Also called sidewinder or internal cut keys, these keys are different than your regular car keys in the sense that their shank is thicker.
This key retains those undulating ridges and hollows found on your regular car key along the edges. Rather than appearing on the outer edge of the laser cut key, like it does on a regular key, this pattern is set on the inner face of the key shank.
Both inner faces of the shank have the pattern and their work is to allow the laser cut key to be inserted in to the vehicle’s ignition cylinder. The outer edges have some peaks and hollows of the normal key but they are not well-defined.
Artemis Locksmiths can make a suitable laser key for your auto no matter the make. We create these keys everyday and so you have no reason not to trust us.
Why laser cut keys?
The purpose for laser cut keys is to keep your car safe from crafty thieves. The reason why we are the best producer of your laser keys is that we have modern machinery used for cutting.It is usually very expensive because it cuts keys that are difficult to duplicate. The machine also embeds transponder chips in the laser cut key, which can be programmed in conjunction with your vehicle. This ensures that only your car key will be able to start the engine.
What to expect?
Laser cut keys have their downside, unfortunately. They are a little more expensive to replace and it will be difficult to find a professional who can replace this type of key. This is why you should consider yourself lucky to be here. We are well-known locksmiths in Los Angeles and its environs. We can replace your laser cut key inexpensively and our technicians deal with multiple vehicle makes.
In the past it used to be only Mercedes Benz and BMW offering this sort of high end key. Today other car manufacturers have adopted the same technology and it is becoming easier to replace a damaged laser cut key. Our company cuts laser keys for all types of vehicles and our service is always great.
Laser Cut Key Made – Get in touch with us today
Has there been an attempt recently to break into your car? If so, it could be that your car needs more protection than it already has. A laser cut key is secure and we advise you to consider buying one for your car. And when you finally need one simply contact us. We will give you a functional and durable laser cut key.